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Manon Dewitte
Jan 30, 20244 min read
Chandeleur: the best crepe recipe
After the Christmas log ("la bûche de Noël") and the galette des rois, this Friday February 2, we're celebrating another gourmet holiday:...

Manon Dewitte
Dec 20, 20234 min read
French Christmas log recipe (la "bûche de Noël")
In France, Christmas dinner is a lavish affair. Many different preparations are served, and (when the budget allows) nobler products are...

Manon Dewitte
Aug 25, 20235 min read
5 easy French pastry recipes to amaze your friends!
La cuisine française a la réputation d'être difficile, mais vous allez voir que vous êtes capable de réaliser des petits gâteaux simples !

Manon Dewitte
May 15, 20232 min read
The favorite dishes of the French
Discover the 10 favorite dishes of the French in 2023! 1. Chicken-fries With its crispy skin and delicious fries, Sunday's chicken-fries...
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