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Manon Dewitte
May 15, 20244 min read
Tout vs tous, toute, toutes in French
Tout vs tous, toute, and toutes are different forms of the same word "tout", which can be used in the feminine and/or plural. In this...

Manon Dewitte
May 8, 20244 min read
What is the difference between "savoir" and "connaître" ?
In the same way as "voir" and "regarder", the verbs "savoir" and "connaître" are closely related and often confusing. In this short...

Manon Dewitte
Apr 17, 20245 min read
Venir, revenir, retourner, rentrer... French verbs of movement
You're probably confused about all these verbs, and... that's normal! They're very similar, but this article should help you understand...

Manon Dewitte
Mar 20, 20244 min read
Imparfait vs. passé composé
You know the passé composé, its irregular verbs and exceptions, you've learned the imparfait and its endings... But I'm sure you...

Manon Dewitte
Mar 13, 20244 min read
Do I need to know the passé simple in French?
If you've ever tried your hand at reading a novel in French, I'm sure you've seen a few verbs conjugated in the passé simple. It's a very...

Manon Dewitte
Jan 17, 20245 min read
French relative pronouns "qui", "que", "où" and "dont"
Many of you have doubts about this grammar topic. Qui, que, où, dont... It's not always easy to know how to use them! In this article, I...
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